We went to an amazing Mandolin concert, and got to play them and learn more about them afterward. The musician did such a great job!

We have all been working hard on our instruments.
Something really exciting is happening. One of our friends plays the Viola de Gamba (a super cool and very old instrument). I am going to start taking lessons from him. He has lots of Gambas, and even has made some. He collects amazing old instruments and can play many different instruments.
It is similar to cello, but also VERY different and makes a beautiful sound. One of the biggest differences is you play a cello with an upper hand bow grip. The gamba, you play with an underhand bow grip. Super cool!

This is the Viola de Gamba. 😍
You sure keep busy. The concert would have been wonderful. You are getting to try out so many instruments. I would love to hear them myself.